Authors: Weinstock LB, Brook JB, Walters AS, Goris A, Afrin LB, Molderings GJ PMID: 34563706 PMCID: PMC8459548 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2021.09.043 Abstract Objectives: Hyper-inflammation caused by COVID-19 may be mediated by mast cell activation (MCA) which has also been hypothesized to cause Long-COVID (LC) symptoms. We determined prevalence/severity of MCA symptoms in LC. Methods: Adults in LC-focused [...]
Categories: I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine
Tags: long COVID, mast cell activation
Authors: Theoharides TC, Tsilioni I, Ren H PMID: 30884251 PMCID: PMC7003574 DOI: 10.1080/1744666X.2019.1596800 Abstract An increasing number of patients present with multiple symptoms affecting many organs including the brain due to multiple mediators released by mast cells. These unique tissue immune cells are critical for allergic reactions triggered by immunoglobulin E (IgE), but are also [...]
Categories: I-RECOVER Long Covid, I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine
Tags: mast cell activation
Authors: Theoharides TC, Tsilioni I, Ren H PMID: 30884251 PMCID: PMC7003574 DOI: 10.1080/1744666X.2019.1596800 Abstract An increasing number of patients present with multiple symptoms affecting many organs including the brain due to multiple mediators released by mast cells. These unique tissue immune cells are critical for allergic reactions triggered by immunoglobulin E (IgE), but are also [...]
Categories: I-RECOVER Long Covid
Tags: mast cell activation