Authors: Hamilton D, Jensen GS PMID: 33882028 Abstract Objectives: To evaluate the effects of ATP 360, a nutraceutical energy formula, in people experiencing long-term fatigue affecting daily living. To explore the use of ex vivo mitochondrial stress testing to evaluate cellular energy improvements with nutraceutical support. Study design: An open-label study design was used with [...]
Categories: I-RECOVER Long Covid, I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine
Auhtors: Lundt A, Jentschke E PMID: 30791735 PMCID: PMC7240880 DOI: 10.1177/1534735418822096 Abstract Background: Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and cancer-related fatigue are commonly associated with cancer. Cancer patients increasingly use complementary and alternative treatments, such as yoga, to cope with psychological and physical impairments. In the present article, long-term changes of anxiety, depression, and fatigue in [...]
Categories: Cancer Care
Tags: Anxiety, Depression, Long-Term Fatigue