COVID-19 patients suffer from the lack of curative therapy. Hence, there is an urgent need to try repurposed old drugs on COVID-19. Methods Randomized controlled study on 70 COVID-19 patients (48 mild-moderate, 11 severe, and 11 critical patients) treated with 200ug/kg PO of Ivermectin per day for 2-3 days along with 100mg PO doxycycline twice per day for 5-10 days plus standard therapy; the second arm is 70 COVID-19 patients (48 mild-moderate and 22 severe and zero critical patients) on standard therapy. The time to recovery, the progression of the disease, and the mortality rate were the outcome-assessing parameters.
Categories: I-CARE Early Covid, MATH+
Authors: Chowdhury AT, Shahabz M, Karim MR, Islam J, Guo D, He D. DOI: Abstract Background The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic was caused by a newly discovered Coronavirus. The treatment methods for COVID-19 are emerging and rapidly evolving. Existing drugs, including Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, offer the hope of effective treatment in early disease. In this [...]
Categories: I-CARE Early Covid, MATH+
Tags: COVID-19, Doxycyline, Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin
Authors: Alam MT, Murshed R, Bhiuyan E, Saber S, Alam RF, Robin RC. DOI:10.3329/jbcps.v38i0.47512 Abstract Background: A definitive treatment of SARS CoV-2 is yet toarrive and the human death toll rises exponentially globally.In this health emergency, it might be useful to look into theold therapies which could be effective against the virus. Invitro research showed [...]
Categories: I-CARE Early Covid, MATH+
Tags: COVID-19, Doxycyline, ivermectin
Authors: Maurya DK DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.12630539.v1 D O I: 10.26434/chemrxiv.12630539.v1 [opens in a new tab] Abstract The current outbreak of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has affected almost entire world and become pandemic now. Currently, there is neither any FDA approved drugs nor any vaccines available to control it. Very recently in Bangladesh, a group [...]
Categories: I-CARE Early Covid, MATH+
Tags: COVID-19, Doxycyline, ivermectin