Independent Medical Alliance

Is Early COVID Treatment Being Ignored?

Published On: January 15, 2024|
“Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything.”
~Alexander Hamilton

In the summer of 2020, I saw a video that cemented my already mounting suspicions about the plandemic. A nurse working in Queens, New York—at the time, considered “the epicenter of the epicenter”—set out to expose the malfeasance she was experiencing at Elmhurst Hospital where she was employed. Erin Marie Olszewski, an Army combat veteran widely known as The Undercover Epicenter Nurse, secretly recorded appalling conversations with colleagues and documented the hospital’s dubious and deadly protocols. From unnecessary ventilation and improper use of PPE to financially incentivized COVID diagnoses and falsified do-not-resuscitate orders, the brave nurse tearfully outed the whole savage operation and described precisely how it was playing out before her eyes. Naturally, Olszewski was fired.

I shared the video widely (this was before I’d been blocked, banned, and shut down on multiple platforms), hoping this was the beginning of the end—or at least, the beginning of a worldwide wakeup.

Forty-three months later, I’m still waiting.

The Right Side of History #2

In the interim, I’ve seen a handful of other whistleblowers come forward to share their heartbreaking experiences. Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, also from New York, posted publicly that he felt the recommended COVID protocols were in fact killing patients. Dr. Annie Bukacek of Montana exposed the inflated COVID hospitalization and mortality rates as well as the CDC’s manipulation of Coronavirus death certificates. I have a ‘whistleblower’ folder where I’ve saved a dozen or so posts and videos that no longer exist in the ether (shocker), and there are likely many more—a few hundred, I’d guess; correct me if I’m way off—that I’ve missed.

But daily I wonder: What about the rest of the globe’s massive medical community? Not the ones like Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, and Peter McCullough who have been courageously outspoken from the beginning, but the well-intended folks who bought into the hype initially and then realized something was terribly, irrefutably wrong. The pharmacists who’ve seen patients drop dead in the back of CVS and the pediatricians who’re now treating eight-year-olds with myocarditis. The Edward Snowdens of medicine who witnessed the destruction wrought by our global COVID response, recognized its wrongness, and promptly and most importantly, refused to participate. Many were silenced, threatened, fired, or a combination of the three—which is surely why they are few and far between. The revolting rest, an overwhelming majority I’m afraid, are apparently far too busy doling out boosters and shopping for vacation homes in the Hamptons to stop and blow any whistles.

Consider the millions of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical technicians, EMTs, and paramedics across the planet who have been administering jabs, treating vaccine-injured patients, or both. (According to Medical Economics, the world employs a collective 104 million health workers including 12.8 million physicians and 29.8 million nurses and midwives). That’s a lot of first-hand witness to carnage, and I’m #SorryNotSorry, but their silence is criminal.

A friend sent me a link last week to an interview with pandemic paramedic/whistleblower Harry Fisher. In it, Fisher talks about the COVID vaccine horrors he’s seen, including a 12-year-old stroking out on the kickball field (and the child’s mother, a nurse for crying out loud, not only missing the clear stroke signals but also being unwilling or unable to connect it to the Pfizer shot her son had received “a week or two” prior). He mentions the unprecedented nine miscarriages he saw in a single night. He recalls the day he was called to a vaccine clinic to treat a man who had had a cardiac episode immediately after his booster… an event that did not inspire even a single person in the line behind him to rethink their decision to get jabbed.

“[The patient] got the shot and he coded and I was performing CPR right in the line and nobody left,” recalls Fisher in the interview. “I’ve never seen anything quite that disturbing… and I’ve seen a lot.” Fisher, who also acknowledges the cognitive dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome I’ve written about at length, has been a paramedic for 12 years and an EMT for more than 25. But for every Fisher who speaks out, hundreds if not thousands of others heard or saw the very same things he did and chose—yes, it was a choice—to hold their tongues.

“I saw this happening with my colleagues,” says Gail Macrae, a Bay Area nurse who’s gone public with her own COVID account and the deafening professional silence she experienced. “I saw them wanting to be with the ‘in crowd.’ They didn’t want to rock the boat, they didn’t want to potentially jeopardize their incomes, they had mortgages, so they chose to do what was easy and go along.”

The Right Side of History

While we rightfully champion brave, selfless heroes like Macrae, their forced departures from the field put tomorrow’s patients—i.e., you and me—at a terrifying disadvantage. “We’re left with medical facilities full of people who don’t have a backbone to stand up and do the right thing,” Macrae explains. “I’m very concerned for the future of medicine in this country because we have criminalized and disciplined all of the practitioners who were actually there to protect our patients. It’s a dangerous place. I would not take a family member to a hospital.”

I understand that people have families to support and bills to pay. I appreciate the years of study and sacrifice that went into pursuing advanced degrees. And I fully understand that “whistleblower” isn’t exactly a generously compensated position or a solid career stepping stone. Just look at what happened to New Zealand whistleblower Barry Young, who is facing imprisonment for leaking his government’s shocking COVID death data. But silence in the face of criminal activity is complicity. It’s called aiding and abetting, and it’s unlawful—not to mention morally reprehensible—on its own. In my mind, it’s really that simple.

To be fair (something not inherently easy for me, I’ll confess), the propaganda around COVID was fierce and relentless—and medical professionals are trained to listen to top-down orders and ignore literally anything and everything else. UK-based diagnostic pathologist Dr. Claire Craig believes that unlearning such dogma is difficult—but not impossible.

“I’m kind of optimistic compared to where I was,” insisted Dr. Craig in a recent interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky. “People are starting to talk. The fear has subsided in more and more people and they’re wondering what just happened. People are getting sick of hyperbole on both sides and wanting to know where the nuance lies. [But] I think the medics are going to be the last to wake up. I think it’s because, understandably, doctors outsource some of their thinking. We all outsource some of our thinking, we all rely on different experts to understand the world in different ways. Doctors have a lot of knowledge they have to keep up to date with, so they have sources they turn to to help with that. If we come along and pull that rug out from underneath them, they’re left with so much work to do… in terms of rewiring their brains and understanding the world through a correct lens. I can understand the fear of having that security taken away from you.”

Still others are even kinder and more forgiving (something that’s damned near impossible for me, not going to lie) toward the medics who not only continue to promote boosters but get paid to do it. In The DisInformation Chronicle last week, investigative reporter Paul Thacker quoted physician and professor emeritus at York University Dr. Joel Lexchin, who says that most physicians feel zero conflict about accepting Pharma payments because they believe in the products they’re pushing. “What drug companies are doing is finding doctors who have independently formed favourable [sic] opinions about a drug and then the drug companies are giving them money to reach large audiences to tell other doctors about their opinions,” Dr. Lexchin explained.

I suppose I could offer to pay all those folks who insist they love my books to leave glowing five-star Amazon reviews saying as much, but—call me crazy—that sounds a little too much like bribery for my liking. I’d like to think if they really loved them, they’d do it for the sheer joy of acknowledging my work and helping others who may be on the fence about supporting it.

You hear a lot these days about the Nuremberg trials, which sought to punish members of the Third Reich for gruesome medical experiments and other crimes against humanity perpetuated during World War II. Yes, there were many high-ranking military and political figures who were brought to trial; men who planned, initiated, and executed heinous acts of torture and murder. But also adjudicated —and in many cases, convicted and imprisoned or executed—were dozens of civilians and non-governmental employees and individuals including physicians, judges, businessmen, and diplomats. These were not the evil masterminds behind the crimes. They were the ones simply doing as they were told, who saw the savage abuse and deadly atrocities daily but said and did nothing about it. Whether they acted (or failed to act) out of fear, coercion, or willful ignorance is irrelevant. They were guilty, and justice was served.

In The War on Ivermectin, Dr. Kory writes,

“Sometimes I wonder about my legacy, as well as those of the people who have been on the wrong side of this thing: the scientists and journalists who accepted large bribes and small ones; the doctors and nurses who looked away when people were suffering, or refused to treat unvaccinated patients, or who muttered, “I’m sorry, I’m just following orders,” as they forbade fam­ilies from being together in those precious, final moments of life; the pedia­tricians who are seeing their young patients suffer heart attacks and strokes and every other sudden syndrome under the sun and yet keep jabbing those tiny arms day in and day out. Can they look at themselves in the mirror? Can they meet their children’s eyes without shame? I can.”

To the people still choosing their own safety, security, and emotional comfort over saving lives and protecting freedom for posterity, it’s not too late to do the right thing—but someday it will be. The right side of history won’t wait forever.

Jenna McCarthy is a speaker and the author of a few dozen books for adults and children. Her writing will appear here monthly, in a new column called “Here’s a thought…” Subscribe now to get the series in your inbox, along with the rest of FLCCC’s news and updates.

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