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Important Notice and Disclaimer:
  • This list of doctors and medical providers is ONLY a collection of information offered as a convenience.
  • It is neither a recommendation of the provider nor a verification of the provider’s qualifications or practices, medical or otherwise.
  • FLCCC has not undertaken any investigation of the medical providers, nor the accuracy of the information provided herein.
  • Your independent investigation and evaluation are therefore strongly advised.
  • Neither the FLCCC, its physicians and principals nor any individual associated with FLCCC is responsible or liable for the use or misuse of the information provided herein, and your use thereof, or of this website, acknowledges and accepts these terms.




Lydia Dennis, MD

Thao Le, NP

William Franklin, MD

Brianne Bechard, ARNP

Renne Edwards, NP

Thatiana Baldwin, ARNP

Chantal Joseph, ARNP

Erika Candelario, ARNP

Tracy Edwards, ARNP

Sophia Padron, ARNP