FLCCC News Capsule 2-18-24

With scientific evidence mounting daily, there can be little left to argue about when it comes to the reality of shedding caused by the mRNA injections. One of the only issues left to ponder is why the FDA won’t say what it KNOWS is true.

Recently, Dr. Pierre Kory, president and chief medical officer of the FLCCC, sat down with American Thought Leaders host Jan Jekielek to discuss shedding —and why the FDA seems to have lost its voice on all it knows about the ability of mRNA injections to cause shedding and the ill effects that result for so many.

“We embarked on a global vaccination campaign with a gene therapy, which is in a category of therapeutics which is known to shed,” said Dr. Kory. “And the FDA knows [shedding] is real.”

Dr. Kory went on to explain. “There is an FDA definition of a gene therapy in their document on shedding from 2015. That document states that gene therapy is when you inject genetic material and that material then produces a product. Clearly, that is what these [mRNA] vaccines are,” Dr. Kory noted. “However, no shedding studies have been done on these gene therapies. But looking at the market for gene therapies, I have evidence on at least four products that are out there. In the product inserts of each one, they note that the product will shed.”

Watch the entire interview by American Thought Leaders HERE.

Dr. Kory’s comprehensive review of the evidence for shedding can be found HERE.

Read more on Dr. Kory’s Substack HERE.

FLCCC News Capsule 3 2-18-24

On this week’s FLCCC Weekly Webinar, host Betsy Ashton welcomed Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory, and special guest, Dr. Angus Dalgleish – a preeminent Professor of Medicine in Oncology at St. George’s, University of London – for an astonishing discussion on ‘Cancer in the Post-COVID Era’.

The far-reaching, illuminating and sometimes disturbing conversation included Dr. Dalgleish’s observation of the unexpected rise in cancer relapses in the post-COVID era in his patients who were previously in remission. Within his patient population, the only commonality between them was that they all had taken an mRNA booster shot. Additionally, Dr. Dalgleish discussed the recent increase in new cancers—particularly in younger people, many of whom were diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

💊 Watch this extraordinary webinar in its entirety HERE.

💊 Learn more about preventing cancer from our Dr. Paul Marik HERE and HERE.

💊 Find out more about joining our new observational cancer study HERE.

FLCCC News Capsule - FLCCC Forums

Now you can connect to the FLCCC Community by joining FLCCC Forums!

Learn, discuss, network and build relationships without fear of censorship. Here’s what’s happening right now!

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Whether you are looking to hire or looking for a new, more aligned employer, check into our JOBS FORUM.


Vaccine Shedding Thread — Drop your links!


CLICK HERE for the February 14 webinar thread.


Fight Back Friday is where we highlight big news for the week and encourage future activism for medical freedom! CLICK HERE to join Fight Back Friday.


By popular demand, we have started creating groups for geographical zones. Right now, these are in United States, but we will be extending to other areas as well soon! CLICK HERE to join geographical groups!

FLCCC News Capsule - WBH

In this episode of ‘Whole Body Health’, Dr. JP Saleeby explains what vasculitis is, the common types, and the treatments, both mainstream and alternative.

Vasculitis is an autoimmune disorder, characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels. This inflammation can cause a range of symptoms, depending on the affected blood vessels, and it can impact various organs and tissues in the body. In general, inflammation develops in blood vessel walls which causes swelling, narrowing of the lumen, and weakness of the structural wall. The exact cause of vasculitis is often unknown, and the severity can vary.

FLCCC News Capsule - MyStory 2-18-24

After using ivermectin when she got COVID, and after reading ‘The War on Ivermectin,’ Sophie understood how the government had covered up treatments for COVID.

Now, she is grateful that the FLCCC is fighting to put patients first again—and she told us so when she was with us at the FLCCC Educational Conference in Phoenix earlier this month! Thanks Sophie! We were all thrilled to meet you!


Here are 20+ daily things to do to improve your health right now!

🌾🫛🫐The #1 thing you can do is Eat Real Food! 🍎🫑🧀

Daily things to do to improve your health

FLCCC News Capsule - WCH FLCCC Paper

The FLCCC, in partnership with the World Council for Health, has just published a groundbreaking paper exploring autophagy in treating SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-related pathology.

The paper’s authors are the FLCCC’s own Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Yusuf Saleeby, and Matthew Halma of the World Council for Health. The study is a comprehensive review of the modulation of autophagy to treat spike protein-related diseases. (Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.)

The paper will be published in the March, 2024 edition of Endocrine and Metabolic Science—a journal that specializes in publishing basic, translational, and clinical original articles, reviews, clinical trials, and case reports related to endocrinology and metabolism.


FLCCC News Capsule - EOD

We’re nearly there! The speaker presentations from the conference—including their slide decks—will be online very soon. We’ll let you know as soon as the conference presentations are available.

While there is no cost to access these outstanding presentations, a suggested donation from $50-$100—or any amount you are comfortably able to afford—would enable the FLCCC to offset the tremendous costs of mounting the conference and offering this content free of charge.

Thanks so much in advance for your generosity!