FLCCC Alliance

“The Voice of Reason in this Mad World.” Reader’s Share Personal Experiences with FLCCC Protocols

Published On: July 29, 2023|
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After three years of sharing life-saving protocols with people around the world, we hear back daily about how the treatments have helped. We love hearing these stories and we love sharing them. Our goal is to let others know they are not alone, and that there are solutions that can help. Here are just a few of our favorite stories. What’s your favorite?


WATCH VIDEO: In Less Than An Hour, She Felt Like Herself Again

When I was six years old, I was struck by lightning. That affected my back and my lungs, eventually leading to asthma that caused me to be in and out of hospital throughout my childhood. So, when a respiratory pandemic like COVID began spreading, I was worried.

When the virus finally hit me, I expected to feel cold or flu symptoms. But I didn’t even have a cough. I did feel pain throughout my body though, and I couldn’t sleep at all. I was concerned, so I saw a doctor at the hospital, and he diagnosed me with malaria, and sent me home.

The antimalarial medicines didn’t work, so finally I called my brother in the United Kingdom. He had learned about ivermectin through the FLCCC and had urged me to buy some and keep it on hand in case I got COVID. I told him I was sick, but I didn’t take the ivermectin because the doctors told me I didn’t have COVID. By now, I was sick enough that I needed to be admitted to the local hospital. I took my ivermectin with me, sneaking it past the staff by hiding it under some gauze. Every morning for the two weeks I was there, I woke up and took ivermectin. Eventually I made a full recovery.

You are a blessing, FLCCC. I wish many doctors and many other people could know what you do. We are so grateful, and may God bless you abundantly.


WATCH VIDEO: Jenni-May’s Health Improved Dramatically After Taking ivermectin

I’ve been dealing with the effects of the Epstein-Barr virus since I was 16. On top of that, I developed Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, better known as ME. When COVID vaccines were rolled out in New Zealand, I was already dealing with a flare-up of symptoms so I declined the vaccine based on data that showed people with my condition often worsened after vaccination.

By August 2022, my ME symptoms had become so bad that I was bedridden and relying on family members for care. A friend recommended ivermectin, which is unavailable in New Zealand. I did manage to source it elsewhere and after taking just small doses my health began to improve. Around Christmas, I contracted COVID so I started taking ivermectin daily. Within five days, the fatigue, joint and muscle pain, headache, runny nose, and sore throat were gone. Ten days after getting COVID, I was feeling better than I had in years. Contracting a flu would normally set my health back by months. Now (in April 2023) I’m functioning at about 90%. I’m totally thrilled and grateful to be experiencing this level of quality of life. Is it a coincidence that my overall health and wellness improved so dramatically after taking ivermectin?

I’m grateful to all who have supported me along the way, and to FLCCC for creating this platform where I can share my experience, strength, and hope with many others.


WATCH VIDEO: Four Hours After Taking Ivermectin, David Felt As if His Lungs Expanded 50%

What do you do when your wife hears she’s been exposed to someone with COVID? Well, if you’re me you make sure to kiss her every 10 minutes so that if she gets sick, I get sick too. That way, you can deal with it together. Sure enough, we both started to feel unwell a few days later. We loaded up on vitamins and nebulizers and got some rest. About 10 days later, I realized my lungs were not filling completely. I am very aware of breath control because I am a singer and have played saxophone since I was 12-years-old.

So, I got some ivermectin. It was August, and it was hot. That same evening after taking the pill, I went to the thermostat to change the temperature setting. As I took a regular breath, I felt like my lungs had expanded by about 50%. I noticed I was able to take a deep, deep breath again. And I thought to myself, I just took that ivermectin four hours ago! We’re going on a year and a half since then, and I’ve noticed that my singing is better, my saxophone playing is better, my breath control is better, and I believe that my lung function is better because of that ivermectin.


WATCH VIDEO: “The Only Doctor I Knew who Prescribed ivermectin had been Ignoring Me After He Found Out I Wasn’t Vaccinated.”

Before I got COVID, I played beach volleyball and traveled as much as possible. I speak seven languages and I worked as an interpreter and translator. I got COVID in May of 2022, and my main symptoms were extreme fatigue and brain fog. Anyway, I figured I’d get better within a couple of weeks, so I didn’t think it was that big a deal. Except I didn’t get better. Turned out I had long COVID, which I didn’t even know existed before.

Long story short, I suffered alone for 11 months before finally getting my hands on ivermectin from a kind stranger I met. By chance, she had done some research and bought it online since it’s nearly impossible to find it here in Japan, even though it was discovered here. It’s also really expensive when you do find it.

For 11 months I struggled to climb stairs. I mean, I might as well have been trying to climb Mount Everest. I was feeling desperate because my body didn’t work, but neither did my brain. I’m normally a writer, but I had difficulty writing. I was finding it hard to string sentences together. Less than two months before I got COVID, I had started a new job at a top institution in Japan, but I had to go on disability leave and I lost that job, and I was too sick to get another job. But worst of all was that I was alone in all of this. So, I felt really frustrated and isolated.

Finally, after 11 months of this, I took my first ivermectin pill at around 8:45 AM on April 19th . I took the lowest dosage the FLCCC recommends, but in less than an hour I already felt like my normal self again. The deep sense of despair I felt for 11 months simply evaporated. By 9:40 AM I tested myself by going up a flight of stairs, and guess what? No problem! I was afraid to crash and be in bed for a few days again, but by afternoon I felt sure that wouldn’t happen. So, I half walked, half ran up and down four flights of stairs. It felt like a miracle!

I’m not 100% better yet, but I have my life back and I can function. I’m writing again, and I’m jogging, and running up and down stairs whenever I want. But I also want to tell you just how very angry I am that this pill ivermectin has been demonized and kept from us. I lost nearly a year of my life because of this. I lost my job. My cognitive abilities have been impaired. I’m physically unfit, and I won’t even talk about the financial catastrophe of this whole thing. To think that all of that — all of it — could have been avoided with one little pill that’s been safely used for decades!

It’s beyond me how medication could be politicized. I really think this is criminal. I’ve tried to share my recovery story in long COVID support groups, but I’ve been banned and shadow-banned for talking about ivermectin, and my posts have been declined or removed. I’ve been bullied and harassed for talking about it too. It’s horrendous.

Anyway, I’ d just like to thank the FLCCC so much for helping us all and for being the voice of reason in this mad world.


My daughter contracted COVID in August of 2021, while we were vacationing. At the time I only had hydroxychloroquine, so that is what I treated her with along with quercetin, zinc, and a slew of other vitamins to help her immune system. She did well, and only developed a mild cough and never broke a fever. She started to regain energy at about the 10-day mark. But that wasn’t the end for us.

At the beginning of September, she was feeling off and I noticed she had no energy, was having crying spells, she had bags under her eyes, was losing hair, and was just not her bubbly self. She described it as feeling “stuck”. I took her to the doctor and they said she had long haul COVID, but they said there was nothing they could do.

I found a doctor in our area from the FLCCC site, scheduled an appointment, and now my daughter has her life back. I noticed a huge difference after her second dose of ivermectin. I have never been so happy in my life, because we were so scared. All I can say is thank you and God bless!

Your stories are powerful and can change hearts and minds. Share them with us at: [email protected]. Write to us and we’ll let you know how we can do this together!

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