Independent Medical Alliance

“The Hospital Was Unwilling to Budge”

Published On: June 26, 2022|

On this week’s FLCCC Weekly Webinar, Betsy Ashton was joined by Dr. Paul Marik, psychiatrist Dr. Sheila Furey and Maria Brogna, who tragically lost her husband Dan in January.

Maria shared her harrowing story about her unsuccessful—yet incredibly valiant— fight to save her husband. Dr. Marik, who consulted with Maria and one of Dan’s ICU physicians during the weeks-long ordeal, tells of the utter desperation that set in when when one doctor came on duty and immediately reversed a treatment for Dan that was ordered by another ICU doctor. It was a treatment that was working. That doctor’s reversal accelerated Dan’s decline and subsequent death and instead used the hospital protocol recommended by the FDA. “The hospital was unwilling to budge,” said Dr. Marik. “This is simply an astonishing tragedy.”

Dr. Furey said that so many are simply too afraid to stand up to hospitals—especially when they refuse to let families in to see their loved ones, as they did to Maria.

Though Maria lost her fight, she isn’t giving up. She is fighting to keep the memory of Dan alive through helping others to get access to early treatment.

HERE is the entire episode.


“The world has lost its mind.”

Dr. Pierre Kory’s appearance on this Unity Project podcast is, in a word, RIVETING. Laura Sextro, CEO of The Unity Project host of the podcast spoke with Dr. Kory about the “Orwellian bill” (Dr. Kory’s descriptor) now before the California state senate.

If California’s Assembly Bill 2098 is passed, it would designate the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) by a physician or surgeon as unprofessional conduct, allowing the Medical Board to take action against such physician or surgeon—including revoking a doctor’s license to practice. The bill is set to be heard in committee on Monday, June 27.

The podcast also featured a discussion of other COVID-related issues pertaining to medical freedoms, and the facts about COVID-19 protocols and vaccine safety.

Listen to the podcast HERE.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) recently launched the I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol. The protocol was developed by a dozen of highly accomplished physicians and draws on the experiences of vaccine-injured people. Treatment responses vary among patients, so in cooperation with the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, we are launching this important survey to help the FLCCC’s continuous effort to refine and improve treatment strategies. We urge you to participate.

Thanks in advance for your help!

In this episode of Long (Covid) Story Short, Dr. Been explains an in-vitro study from the University of Munich that showed that dandelion leaf extract has a potent inhibitory effect on the SARS-COV-2 spike binding to ACE2. This is important because if spike protein is able to bind to the ACE2 receptor for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it can infect the cell, and may cause inflammation and blood clotting. Watch now!

In this My Story case report from Poland, hear how Piotr Łapiński started by helping a colleague’s husband in May 2021, and how — by Feb. 2022 — he had assisted over 100 more! “Ivermectin just works, and no expert can prove otherwise,” said Piotr.

Our brilliant and highly esteemed colleague, Dr. Peter McCullough, has co-authored a new book with best-selling “true crime” writer John Leake. The Courage to Face COVID-19 tells the story of doctors who developed a safe and effective early treatment for COVID-19 and their battle with the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that suppressed it. It is the story of courageous heroes who innovated, sacrificed, and tried to save as many as they could against the most formidable and organized opposition.

Interestingly, when SARS-CoV-2 arrived, Mr. Leake recognized that the official policy response was illogical at best, and possibly criminal. He found it especially suspicious how quickly public health officials dismissed repurposed early treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. After watching Dr. McCullough’s U.S. Senate testimony about early treatment, Leake contacted Dr. McCullough, recognizing that the world renowned internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist would be a leader in developing a more rational and humane response to the pandemic.

A must read!

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