“Recently a close friend of ours returned from a ministry trip in Zambia with congestion, fatigue, and a nagging cough. Following a bible study meeting at his house, my wife became sick with the same symptoms approximately four days later. Soon I developed the same symptoms which I suspected were actually COVID.“
She asked for a prescription for ivermectin to use as a preventative. “My doctor yelled at me saying, 'I’m not giving you a prescription for ivermectin.'” But that didn’t stop her from getting some.
When COVID Hit, Tzvi Turned to Dr. Zev Zelenko, His Good Friend and Personal Doctor Tzvi, was 67 in 2020, and had chronic bronchitis and asthma. He was at extreme risk for COVID. He knew his good friend Dr. Zev Zelenko would have the answers he needed.
Almost everyone she knows has been vaxxed and boosted and boosted and have still had COVID at least one or multiple times. She and her husband have not had COVID. And even more than that, they have not had a flu, a cold or any sickness since they started taking ivermectin.
She hopes that people will listen to her story about taking ivermectin and be open to trying it, especially the Lyme community. Listen to her MyStory to find out why.
Shannon and her husband Matt had ivermectin already in their “just in case” kit thanks to the FLCCC and a tele doc. When his Mom, who was recently diagnosed with blood cancer, got COVID they gave her ivermectin. She had mild symptoms for one day and one night.
When her 83-year-old Mother-in-Law got ill, the family started ivermectin. They were amazed at how quickly it helped her recover. A short MyStory that illustrates the power of ivermectin and early treatment.
Dr. Pierre Kory returns to the Ask Dr. Drew show and gives his take on the global cost of the FDA's smears against the Nobel Prize-winning drug.
After vaccinations in 2021 he started to suffer serious health problems. On holiday he tried ivermectin and it helped lessen his symptoms.
Dr. Joe Varon and Dr. Kat Lindley answer what they think one should do with ivermectin that is past its expiration date, saying it overall should be safe as long as it is not too far expired.