Auhtors: Cornelius ME, Loretan CG, Jamal A, Davis Lynn BC, Mayer M, Alcantara IC, Neff L


What is already known about this topic?

Tobacco product use remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.

What is added by this report?

In 2021, approximately 18.7% (46 million) of U.S. adults currently used any tobacco product. Cigarettes were the most frequently reported tobacco product (11.5%), followed by e-cigarettes (4.5%). During 2020–2021, the prevalence of cigarette smoking decreased, and prevalence of e-cigarette use increased.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Continued use of evidence-based comprehensive tobacco control strategies, including linguistically and culturally competent educational campaigns and innovative strategies, combined with Food and Drug Administration regulation of tobacco products will support activities and programs to further reduce tobacco-related disease, death, and disparities.

Keywords: tobacco, tobacco smoking, lung cancer

More on: Cancer Care

More on: Tobacco