Independent Medical Alliance
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FLCCC Heroes Campaign – Honoring Doctors

Published On: March 30, 2023|

Campaign update 3-30-2023

To everyone in the FLCCC community, thank you for supporting the Heroes Among Us Campaign 2023.  March 30th is the final day of the campaign and is also National Doctors’ Day. To all FLCCC doctors, and doctors who support FLCCC’s mission, thank you. Your individual and collective hard work, commitment and perseverance makes a positive difference every day.

Campaign update 3-22-2023

Exciting news!! More than 400 supporters have contributed to our “Heroes” campaign to date, raising $50,000 (x two!) and helping us fully secure our match from the Good Shepherd Foundation. Inspired by the heroism of our community and wishing to maximize FLCCC’s reach and impact, two other very generous donors have stepped up with an additional $50,000 match so that we can keep the momentum going and drive more critical funding for our life-saving work. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a hero for FLCCC and have your donation DOUBLED today.

Thank you, FLCCC community!

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