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Dr. Kory Delivers Powerful and Persuasive Testimony to End Vaccine Mandates

Published On: March 7, 2023|
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FLCCC Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pierre Kory, testified to the Health and Government Operations Committee of the Maryland State Assembly in support of HB 699.

“I am honored to give my full support to HB 699. There remains no medical justification for the COVID-19 vaccine to be used for anyone. Requiring the vaccine as a condition of employment is harmful to public health and a clear violation of the people’s rights to choose their medical care with their physician and not the state government.”

The full-length video of Dr. Kory’s testimony and committee Q&A can be found here.

A copy of Dr. Kory’s prepared testimony can be found here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Kory-Maryland-Mandate-Testimony-2-28-23-FINAL-SUBMISSION.pdf

A copy of the bill and its status can be found here: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/HB0699

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