Independent Medical Alliance

Accountability Is a GOOD Thing (No, Really)

Published On: November 25, 2024|

Imagine you’re at a restaurant, enjoying a lovely bowl of lobster bisque, when your server rushes to your table.

“I’m incredibly sorry,” he says breathlessly, “but we just learned that the chef accidentally spilled a gallon of ammonia in the soup. Please, let me take that poisonous slop away and bring you a fresh, uncontaminated bowl.”

On what planet in which galaxy would you respond, “Don’t you dare touch my soup, you psychotic, anti-lobster pseudo-server! Quick, someone, get me a New York Times reporter on the phone. This man is deranged!”

Called me anti-fish

But this is where we are. For the first time in my five-and-a-half decades as a human, an incoming presidential administration isn’t just talking about public health but threatening to improve it—by banning dangerous additives, demanding vaccine safety, reducing environmental toxins, and ensuring transparency and accountability in health policies. On a sane planet in a rational galaxy, none of this would be controversial or controvertible. And yet, flocks of folks are reacting to these long-overdue initiatives as if our next generation of leaders is proposing a nationwide ban on Wi-Fi and planning to use waterboarding to punish jaywalkers.


The effort to brand RFK Jr. as a dangerous, anti-vax, science denying lunatic (often by people who believe men can get pregnant and that censorship is noble and necessary, but I digress) is equal parts coordinated and constant.

And to be fair, if Kennedy accomplishes even a fraction of the things he’s promised to do, lots of powerful people, companies, and industries will be crying into their clearance-aisle caviar.

Former Vice President Mike Pence is calling on the senate to reject Kennedy’s confirmation. The patently corrupt media insists that his appointment has “horrified public health experts” (Hi, Dr. Hotez!) and calls him “a single potential Cabinet member who could do the most damage to the American people’s lives.”

The primary gripe, of course, is what people perceive—and routinely label—as Kennedy’s “anti-vaccine” stance. Kennedy, who himself is vaccinated [except for Covid] and has followed the recommended schedule with his children, has not suggested scrapping even a single vaccine. Instead, he is loudly calling for safety and efficacy studies (the ones they have promised us exist all along but in fact, do not) to be conducted and for the results of said rigorous research to be made public.

NOV 2024 Jenna McCarthy

Seems not just benign but brilliant. You’d think people would be begging for this, in fact. Alas, because the propaganda campaign against Kennedy has been vast and vicious, the media continues to do what the media does—attack the man [who threatens their financial backing] when the facts are unassailable.

The media cartel christened Kennedy with a Scarlet A (Antivaxxer) years ago. Lots of folks—Joe Rogan admitted to being one of them—blindly bought into the brainwashing.

Back in 2017, while being considered to head a possible commission to investigate vaccine safety, Kennedy sat down for an interview with then-FOX host Tucker Carlson. “Hepatitis B comes from unprotected sex or from using or sharing needles,” RFK, Jr. pointed out. “Why do we give that to a child the first day of their lives? And it’s loaded with mercury. Mercury is the most potent neurotoxin known to man that is not radioactive. If you take that vaccine vial and you break it, you have to dispose of that as hazardous waste, you have to evacuate the building. Why would we take that substance and inject it into a little baby?”

Why, indeed.

Kennedy, as my esteemed co-author and FLCCC co-founder Dr. Pierre Kory would say, is fond of producing data that is “inconvenient to the interests” of the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

As he should—and as any health-conscious, truth-seeking, anti-censorship American should want him to. Here’s hoping the people in positions to confirm his appointment aren’t too compromised, crooked, or controlled to do the right thing and give Kennedy the opportunity to Make America Healthy Again.

Jenna McCarthy is a speaker and the author of a few dozen books for adults and children. Her writing appears here monthly, in a column called “Here’s a thought…” Subscribe now to get the series in your inbox, along with the rest of FLCCC’s news and updates.

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