FLCCC Alliance

From Beach to Battlefield: The FLCCC Story

Published On: May 28, 2023|
On this Memorial Day weekend, we are departing from our traditional FLCCC News Capsule format to reflect upon a key life lesson we’ve learned—with you—along our lifesaving journey.


There is really not a day that goes by when, during the course of my work for the FLCCC, I am not reminded of the following story. It’s a cautionary tale—an important life lesson if you will—that the world must heed.

One day, quite suddenly and without precedent, hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of starfish washed up on a beach. A beachgoer, upon seeing what had occurred — and knowing that time was of the essence — rushed towards the shore, and one by one began to pick up each starfish and gently toss it back into the ocean.

Soon, another man appeared on the beach and called over to the beachgoer who was quickly trying to rescue the starfish who would certainly die if they did not swiftly make it back into the water.

“Hey there!” the man called to the beachgoer. “What do you think you are doing?”

Not stopping to turn around to look at the man because he was so consumed with his task, the beachgoer called back, “These starfish can’t breathe. I am placing them back into the water so they’ll have a chance to survive.”

“You’re on a fool’s errand,” the man shouted back with a smirk. “There are hundreds of thousands—maybe millions—of starfish here. You cannot possibly save them all. What you are doing here will never make a difference!”

The beachgoer stopped for a brief moment. He turned to face the man who called to him. Then he picked up a starfish, and gently tossed it back into the water.

“It made a difference to that one,” the beachgoer told the man as he gestured towards the ocean. “It made a difference to him.” The beachgoer watched lovingly as the starfish started to make its way safely into the open water.

With that, the beachgoer resumed his task with even greater urgency. The man who had called to him turned—and then walked away, still shaking his head.

Even from those very first days following the founding of the FLCCC in March, 2020, it was abundantly clear to our tiny team of ten that saving everyone in the world who would fall ill from the ravages of COVID-19 was an impossibility. We were ten souls—shouting 24/7 in unison at the top of our lungs—to make the world aware, as we were, of the ability of our very first protocol (MATH+)—developed by Dr. Paul Marik, and further refined in collaboration with the FLCCC’s critical care team of physicians—to save millions. Yes, MILLIONS.

The scores of the sick and dying were collecting in horrifying numbers on the beach. And we had both the will—and the way—to save most of those millions. So we arrived on the beach…and saved all we could possibly save while being lashed for months and months with unbearably icy headwinds meant to numb our hands and break our spirit. Those headwinds—wickedly whipped into a ferocious, frigid typhoon by public health agencies already in bed with Big Pharma, corporate interests and the media—were meant to silence any who would dare question their omniscience. (Even if those doing the questioning were some of America’s most highly published, experienced medical experts who were saving mostly ALL of their own critically ill patients.)

Nevertheless, we stayed on the beach. We’ve never left. We couldn’t then and we won’t now. Though the COVID emergency is over, more sick and dying are arriving daily, some with Long COVID, others with debilitating vaccine injury. If we give up, the suffering—and even the dying—will endure. If we stay…the chances for healing and survival soar.

So we’re staying.

But what have we learned? Much. So, so much.

Most importantly, we see with absolute clarity that if only others in positions of power, knowledge, experience and influence had joined us, instead of summarily (and without scientific evidence) decrying the efficacy of both the demonstrably life-saving MATH+ protocol as well as potent, repurposed drugs, the beach would have been safely cleared of the overwhelming majority of the sick and dying. Study after study after study put to rest any question of that happening. From the very beginning, COVID-19 was a completely avoidable humanitarian catastrophe. The coordinated plan to keep these therapies from much of the world resulted in the senseless murder of millions. 

True science is incapable of lying.

True science is incapable of lying.

Last week, I saw a comment on social media that caught my attention. The person was responding to a post about our Dr. Pierre Kory’s appearance before the European Parliament in Brussels two weeks ago. Dr. Kory testified to the parliament about catastrophic loss of human life that occurred needlessly during the pandemic through (verifiable) global, systematic censorship, falsification of medical studies, persecution of medical providers, the demonization of repurposed drugs and slanderous articles.

“I respect the fact that you keep banging your head against the wall,” read the comment. “It is good that someone is doing it.”

Whoa. With all due respect, sir, we beg you to consider that what you are hearing is merely what the devious architects of these crimes against humanity wanted you to hear so that you would robotically believe their ceaseless indoctrinations, insidiously designed as mind-paralytics. Tragically, their nefarious schemes worked. But it’s not the truth. It was never the truth.

Let’s refer back to the story of the beached starfish. The man in the story only saw the folly of the beachgoer’s passion to save as many starfish as he could. The man was unable to comprehend the infinite worth of every single life. He thought…if you cannot save them all, then what’s the use?

Our ethically-moored FLCCC physicians—and indeed our entire team—remain steadfastly in the fight to save as many lives as we possibly can. One by one. Every life must be our concern. We were there in 2020 during the brutal start of COVID on our shores…and now, in 2023, when people still need our help and support. Were we (are we) just banging our heads against the wall? Or did our mission and our actions matter—both then and now?

Hmmmm. Let’s take a look. Our work and our actions mattered to…

💊 Sue Dickinson, whose daughters obtained a court order to compel the hospital to administer ivermectin to her. After Sue’s second dose, she awoke from her coma—just after a nurse called her daughters, telling them to come immediately to say their last “goodbyes” to their beloved mother. Instead, Sue returned home to her family.

💊 Dr. Manny Espinoza, who had to be life-flighted to a hospital in Houston in order to receive the FLCCC’s MATH+ Protocol. The beloved husband and father survived.

💊 Actor Louis Gossett, Jr., who survived COVID after contacting an FLCCC physician for treatment with ivermectin.

💊 Dr. Bob Plinke, a 76-year-old retired ER physician with a history of heart attacks, congestive heart failure, coronary stents and a pacemaker, contracted COVID but treated himself early and was better within 2 days—using the FLCCC’s and Dr. Zelenko’s protocols.

💊 Joan Bruns, who suffered for 5 months from multiple auto-immune attacks after her first dose of the Moderna vaccine. “I got my life back,” said Joan, after an FLCCC doctor put her on the vaccine injury protocol. “My primary care doctor told me I was not alone [having a COVID vaccine injury],” noted Joan.

💊 Lt. Colonel Steve Ham, who contracted COVID at age 75. He had obtained the recommended components in  FLCCC’s “Just-in-Case” COVID Kit, and recovered in 3 days.

💊 Dr. Randy Grellner, whose patients in a small Oklahoma town were critically ill and dying from COVID. Once he began to give them ivermectin, the outbreak was under control and his patients—even the elderly ones— were quick to recover.

💊 Juraj Orságwho suffered severe post-vaccination adverse events including passing out and non-stop headaches. His life turned around after beginning the FLCCC’s I-RECOVER protocol.

💊 Jessica Lombardo, who has reached out to more than 60 vaccine injured people to support them and help them get treatment. Jessica has shared the FLCCC’s I-RECOVER protocol and other functional medicine therapies to help them get well.


These are but a few of the millions of stories that can be told. In the end, the FLCCC, along with many other morally-unshakable organizations and courageous medical providers around the world, have saved millions. One at a time, and while still fighting those still vicious, glacial winds—conceived by dark-hearted accomplices working to preserve profits…not lives.

The sounds of “heads banging against the wall” are actually the drumbeats of the mighty FLCCC army (yes, I am referring to YOU, dear reader)…counting out the millions who, instead of resting in their graves, are living…having returned home to their families because of the beneficent angels around the world who stood their ground on the beaches and rescued them.

We hope that every time you visit (or even imagine) a beach, you will see yourself in your mind’s eye…tenderly lifting a struggling starfish yearning to breathe again back into the water. Every time you do, the universe will rejoice…because it matters that much.

God bless you.

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