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Call for Immediate Global Use of Ivermectin to End the Pandemic

Published On: March 18, 2021|


March 18, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — A group of medical and scientific experts convened by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) today call for action to put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic by immediately adopting policies that allow for the use of ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

Scientists and physicians from the U.S., U.K., E.U., South America, and Israel gathered to discuss the latest data on how ivermectin has reduced positive COVID-19 cases in major cities across the world, ivermectin’s role in the early treatment of COVID-19, and why ivermectin needs to be adopted as safe and effective prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

“Ivermectin is safer than most medicines being given (for Covid), meta-analyses of mountains of data show that it reduces mortality 68%,” said Tess Lawrie, Director, The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd. and expert consultant to the WHO, United Kingdom. “For a government to continue not to take action on ivermectin is to let people suffer from this terrible disease.”

The panelists’ discussion included the latest results from trials in several regions, including Brazil, where ivermectin is used to prevent COVID-19 in regions where researchers see far fewer COVID-19 cases and no presence of any COVID-19 variants compared to areas where ivermectin is not widely used. “We are seeing fewer hospitalizations, faster recovery and no presence of disease from the variants in these regions,” said Hector Carvallo, MD, Professor of Medicine, Adolfo Ibanez University y Universidad Mayor, Argentina.

The experts also discussed the extensive body of science showing ivermectin as a safe and effective preventative and treatment for COVID-19. “Why wait? The drug is very safe, and it could crush the pandemic in a few weeks. It is beyond absurd to delay its use and ask for even more data,” said Marc Wathelet, Ph.D., Molecular and cellular biologist, Coronavirus specialist from Belgium. “I have questions about the ethics of conducting more RCTs (randomized clinical trials). These studies will include people who we know will get sicker without ivermectin.”

A recording of the panel discussion will premiere live on Friday, March 19 at 7 pm E.T. on the FLCCC YouTube Channel. FLCCC president and chief medical officer Pierre Kory, MD, MPA will answer viewer questions in the live chat. To join the premiere and live event with Dr. Kory and see the latest updates from FLCCC, use the following link to subscribe:

Medical Expert Panelists:
• Pierre Kory, M.P.A, MD, President and Chief Medical Officer, FLCCC
o Former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin

• Prof. Eli Schwartz, MD, DTMH, The Center for Geographic Medicine and Tropical Diseases, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Israel
o Recognized center by the Ministry of Health of Israel for tropical and travel diseases.

• Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD, Director, The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd., United Kingdom
o Recently completed meta-analysis of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19
o Expert consultant to the WHO

• Hector Carvallo, MD, Professor of Medicine, Adolfo Ibanez University y Universidad Mayor
o Former Director Ezeiza Public Hospital, Argentina

• Marc Wathelet, PhD, Molecular and cellular biologist, Coronavirus specialist, Belgium
o Specializes in the study of respiratory viruses.
o Has led several research projects into different strains of coronavirus, including SARS-CoV2, which caused the epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2003-2004.

About the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
The FLCCC Alliance was organized in March 2020 by a group of highly published, world renowned Critical Care physician/scholars – with the academic support of allied physicians from around the world – to research and develop lifesaving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in all stages of illness. Their MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol – introduced in March 2020, has saved thousands of patients who were critically ill with COVID-19. Now, the FLCCC’s new I-Mask+ Prophylaxis and Early At-Home Outpatient Treatment Protocol with Ivermectin has been released – and is a potential solution to the global pandemic.

For more information: https://covid19criticalcare.com/


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