FLCCC Alliance

“Everything They Told Us About COVID Was a Lie. Everything.”

Published On: April 2, 2023|

Appearing on Bright Light News, our Dr. Paul Marik discussed the corrupt medical system, the “humanitarian crisis” of mRNA injection adverse events, the FLCCC treatment protocols for them, and how many diseases can be effectively treated without pharmaceutical drugs.

“I think everything they told us [about COVID]—like everything— was a lie,” said Dr. Marik, Chief Scientific Officer of the FLCCC. Now, precisely three years after the founding of the FLCCC, Dr. Marik can clearly see the widespread corruption and fraud upon which allopathic medicine was built. He shares his sobering insights in this interview.

“COVID exposed a corrupt medical system. I can’t unsee it.” — Dr. Paul Marik

Dr. Pierre Kory, Chief Medical Officer of the FLCCC, joined the Jimmy Dore Show this week to discuss spike protein-induced diseases and treatment, propaganda and censorship, and what it’s like to be a doctor today.

“There’s a significant number of people who have woken up. But I still see the persistent effects of propaganda and censorship. For example, I had a patient—a 19-year-old girl—who tried to see an endocrinologist but was told she could not get an appointment until she was vaccinated. The vaccine-injured have been abandoned.” — Dr. Pierre Kory

The second FLCCC Education Conference April 28-29 in Fort Worth, Texas is fast approaching. Here’s what you need to know now!

⭐️ 13 CEUs are available for medical professionals attending the conference.

⭐️ We have extended our Early Bird rates through April 4.

⭐️ Our room block at the conference hotel is almost full, however, additional rooms are available at nearby hotels.

⭐️ Click HERE to see the entire list of distinguished speakers, register, and make your room reservation.

Watch Dr. Cadegiani’s video HERE; and Dr. Saleeby’s video HERE!

This is the 50th episode of Long (COVID) Story Short with our own Dr. Been! This week, Dr. Been continues his series about brain health and lifestyle choices by discussing Omega-3 fish oil and exercise. Omega-3 fish oil or Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n3-PUFA) reduce inflammation in the brain and keep open polarized channels, which result in better glymphatic flow. This washes away more beta amyloids (proteins) and helps protect and even stall the progress of dementia. Dr. Been is a tremendous teacher!

This is an incredibly special MyStory. It comes from Jessica, who was enraged and saddened at the widespread and unbelievable crimes against humanity unfolding. So she began reaching out to those injured after COVID-19 shots. She felt that they needed to be heard, believed, supported, and treated. She has helped over 60 victims to date. She is the very best of us.

💊 The World Health Organization has just announced that healthy children and teens may not need additional COVID-19 shots, since they are at lower risk of serious disease.

The WHO had this epiphany months after the FLCCC started pushing HARD for children not to receive COVID shots. ”The biggest crime against humanity was the vaccination of children,” says FLCCC Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Paul Marik. “The risks were always infinitesimally small.”

But then, in the “two-steps-forward-three-giant-steps-backwards” file, the WHO said this in the news release: “Vaccinating pregnant persons – including with an additional dose if more than 6 months have passed since the last dose – protects both them and the fetus, while helping to reduce the likelihood of hospitalization of infants for COVID-19.” Read the news release HERE.

Maybe they haven’t yet seen (or simply wouldn’t look at) the recent peer-reviewed study by Dr. James Thorp, Dr. Peter McCullough, and colleagues, COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function.

“We found a 1200-fold increase in severe menstrual abnormalities, a 57-fold increase in miscarriage, a 38-fold increase in fetal death or stillbirth rates,” reported Dr. Thorp. “We found 15 other major pregnancy complications, all far exceeding the CDC and the FDA values of safety.”

💊The Downward Slide of America’s Healthcare Apparatus

In this brilliant article, A Midwestern Doctor make the powerful case that Deborah Birx’s disastrous tenure on the COVID-19 Task Force has become the epitome of the breakdown of our federal institutions.

From the article:

“When Birx effectively directed the Coronavirus Task Force, she demonstrated a profound degree of scientific ignorance and emotional immaturity that is so surreal I still have some difficulty believing it really happened.”

“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection,” Birx told Fox News host, Neil Cavuto. “And I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will. But let’s be very clear: 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated.”

Stand Up for Medical Freedom. Reject Healthcare Tyranny

💊 The COVID Litigation Conference — presented by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) — was held last weekend. Drs. Marik and Kory participated as panelists during the event, which was a distinguished gathering of trial lawyers and other allied professionals advancing COVID-19-related litigation.

Areas of focus included health mandates, medical fraud, hospital negligence, physician autonomy, civil rights, and more. “A lot of people need legal help because of the damages and suffering they endured,” said Dr. Kory. “Attorney Werner Mendenhall, a sponsor of the conference, told me he wanted to find ways to incentivize lawyers to meet the needs of the growing number of people seeking legal assistance. Agreed, because the number of COVID-related lawsuits will multiply rapidly over the next decade.”

💊 Unveiling a Better Way for Health, Freedom & Sovereignty

From June 1-4, 2023, Drs. Kory and Marik will be traveling to Bath in South West England to participate in the second Better Way Conference. The event, presented by the World Council for Health, aspires to advance the creative collaboration that began in 2022. That effort included finding ways to optimize health and well-being, build conscious communities, use technology responsibly, restore health freedom, and connect and collaborate with others.

Thanks to the incredible support of our “FLCCC Army”, we have met both of the generous matches that were provided for our “Heroes Among Us” campaign!

That means in total, we’ve raised over $200,000 for our critical work and mission. We couldn’t do it without you. We’d like to express our deepest gratitude to the FLCCC community, as well as the Good Shepherd Foundation and our other anonymous matching donors.

You are all heroes among us, indeed.

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