FLCCC Alliance

Long COVID & Vaccine Injuries: A Global Health Crisis

Published On: May 21, 2023|
The first-of-its-kind research recognizes that large numbers of people worldwide have been affected by long COVID and COVID-19 vaccines and need non-invasive, integrative therapies that can be scaled.
This is precisely what the world needs right now.

An international team of physicians and scientists — including our own Dr. Paul Marik — recently completed the first peer-reviewed research into the available treatment options for long COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccine injury, which will lay the groundwork for a better understanding and potential future treatments for the two conditions.

The study, published this week in the MDPI journal, Microorganisms, cited the vascular harm commonly seen as a result of COVID-19 illness or after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and the need for therapies for both direct and indirect treatment to counter the effects of the spike protein from COVID-19.

Dr. Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, Ph.D.​, a co-author of the study and co-founder of the World Council for Health, said, “This research shows that there is clear scientific evidence that both long COVID and the COVID vaccines are responsible for spike protein-induced conditions that will require a significant investment of resources before we fully understand these conditions and how to treat them most effectively.”

Dr. Marik said the research study, which was crowd-funded by public donations through the World Council for Health, “… should educate others on the reality of these conditions and how they can be treated.”

Editor’s Note: The importance of this first-of-its-kind research cannot be overstated. It remains to be seen if “unconvinced” physicians and scientists around the world recognize the research integrity with which this study was conducted — leading to its publication in a highly-respected medical journal. Those who fail to acknowledge its unassailable findings have most likely lost their ability to recognize true science. Perhaps that’s because their capacity to think for themselves has been critically disabled by months of blindly following the endless “detour-or-die” signs… each one posted along scientifically safe roadways. Yet there were the decoys… blocking the “safe to proceed” signals… and warning of imminent catastrophe if not heeded. Turning off the road led to only one place: A head-on collision with disaster. Questioning the fraudulent signs on roads that they and their colleagues had traveled before — and knew to be safe — would have certainly saved countless lives. — JK

The Brownstone Institute’s story this week on Justice Neil Gorsuch’s stunning statement regarding lockdowns and mandates presents the truth of these troubling issues with startling clarity.

“Importantly, this statement from the Supreme Court comes as so many other agencies, intellectuals, and journalists are in flat-out denial of what happened to the country,” wrote the Brownstone Institute in the story.

Said Justice Gorsuch, in part:

“Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country.

“Decisions produced by those who indulge no criticism are rarely as good as those produced after robust and uncensored debate. Decisions announced on the fly are rarely as wise as those that come after careful deliberation. Decisions made by a few often yield unintended consequences that may be avoided when more are consulted. Autocracies have always suffered these defects. Maybe, hopefully, we have relearned these lessons too.”

“Looking at the data from a totality of sources, I mean, the signals were absolutely alarming … You saw a failed medical experiment being covered up on a global scale,” said Dr. Pierre Kory on American Thought Leaders.

On this truly MUST SEE edition of American Thought Leaders with the Epoch Times’ Jan Jekielek, our Dr. Pierre Kory discussed the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, what he describes as a decades-long war on repurposed drugs, and the information battle tactics that have been deployed these last 3 years.

The wide-ranging interview also explores an interesting and perhaps not well-known part of Dr. Kory’s medical experience — he was an expert medical witness in the George Floyd civil case.

“The vaccine-injured have some of the highest stress responses and share many, if not all, of the neuroimmunological mechanisms of brain impairment with the elderly. The good news is, we can help them!”—Neurologist Dr. Suzanne Gazda

Writing on the FLCCC’s Substack, Dr. Gazda, who was a featured speaker at our most recent medical education conference in Ft. Worth, Texas, offers five important ways to protect an aging brain in this challenging post-COVID era. From spirituality to music, hope and nature, Dr. Gazda believes these and other strategies can modulate a person’s stress response and lead to better brain health.

Here are some comforting words from our own Dr. Been on this week’s edition of Long (COVID) Story Short. “There is relatively good news. Omicron has lower odds of resulting in long COVID compared to its previous ancestors.”

During the episode, Dr. Been explains some of the most recent studies that have demonstrated the following rates: 46% probability of long COVID with the Wuhan and Alpha variants, 35% probability with the Delta variant, but only 14% with Omicron. Another study from the UK showed 4.5% from Omicron vs. 10.8% from Delta. This is a review you certainly do NOT want to miss!

“Thank God for Ivermectin, which I had procured several months before these episodes,” said this 81-year-old physician.

The doctor and his wife sailed through COVID because he was prepared. He’s a believer…but he says it is tiring to try to convince the world. We agree with him… it can be quite tiring. But because this is a lifesaving therapy, the effort is well worth sustaining until people realize they do not have to suffer (or even die) from this disease.

Watch his uplifting story HERE.

The Better Way Conference is coming soon to Bath in the UK!

Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik will both be speaking at this conference. The goal of the event is for attendees to hear the pioneers and innovators of our time reveal how excellent health has been hidden from us and explore what the reveal means for the better world we will co-create.

Tickets are still available if you’d like to attend — either virtually or in person!

Our second FLCCC Educational Conference is now available as an Education on Demand (EOD) package! Medical providers are eligible to earn 13 CEUs.

The FLCCC’s goal is to educate healthcare providers and empower patients with the tools and resources they need to take control of their own well-being. Our exclusive educational programs are developed by our doctors and trusted partners as part of this mission. Course content also includes full sessions from our conferences so you don’t miss out on critical information.

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