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I love Ivermectin
Hi Everyone,
I’m Deb Lewellen, I’m the director of the Imminent Danger German Shepherd Rescue here in TN and I have been running this rescue for 14yrs. now, we’ve rescued over 4000 dogs in that time frame, we have 8-10 volunteers and a couple of them are on the cleaning team that we have to hire out cuz the work load here is heavy, we are like a small mom and pop boarding facility that my husband set up for me, built me a kennel building and we do have a bunch in the house. The reason I’m posting is, I have quite a bit of experience with Ivermectin and Moxiedectin to use as a preventative for heartworms and for Mange and upper respiratories aka Pneumonia. I’ve used Ivermectin extensively for 14 yrs. and have been able to rid dogs of being heartworm positive and can get them Heartworm negative within a year giving them a proper dose for their weight on a weekly basis. I have 2 heartworm positive dogs here now at my place and I’m giving the one big male ivermectin 1-2x’s per week, the equivalent of a heartgard, .03ml. and I put it in an eye dropper, if you fill a syring and it goes to the 3rd line that’s the dose or 3-4 drops from an eyedropper, it’s super safe plus it gets rid of some intestinal worms and mites on their skin. I’m giving this little female shepherd mix that I rescued off the Euthanasia list from Memphis Animal Services, the highest kill rate of dogs and cats in the state. Plus literally about 500 dogs are killed yearly according to stats on the roads and when picked up the city counts them. This is only a fraction because it the city limits, not the entire county. So my girl is getting Ivermectin 2-3 times a week, I am experimenting to see if I can get her heartworm negative within 6 months. Same with the big male I have. if Duke gets adopted before he’s heartworm negative and he is leaving me to his new home, I will switch over to Advantage Multi Generic (Neo Vet-topical with moxidectin in it) and it too is another form of slow kill to treat a heartworm positive but it’s a topical and they will be heartworm negative in a year, clinical study on this as well, necropsy’s were done . I can send the documentation. Our vets in Memphis told us about the Advantage Multi Moxy Doxy Slow kill to treat a heartworm positive dog. I would love to see vets give this information to dog owners, so many more dogs can be treated for about $100 instead of $2000. At any rate, I just wanted to share some of my experience, I have much more regarding using Ivermectin for mange and for heartworm prevention And Upper Respiratories, I love ivermectin!!!
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