Covid Censorship in Canada (Weekly Webinar, Mar 13, 7PM ET)

  • franfainer

    March 13, 2024 at 12:19 pm EDT

    Thanks for choosing this topic – so appreciate it and most appropriate given the climate in Canada right now.

  • FLCCC_official

    March 13, 2024 at 7:07 pm EDT

    Full clip from the Highwire:

  • FLCCC_official

    March 13, 2024 at 7:09 pm EDT

    Learn more about Jamie Salé and Theo Fleury and their nonprofit, “Canadians for Truth”:

  • Robert Lewis

    March 15, 2024 at 7:34 am EDT

    I watched Dr. Peter Cory with Tucker and everything he said rang so true. I took two shots and a booster as I had 3 co-morbitities and my doctor recommended it, without me having the information I have now.

    I wound up with a blood clot following my 2nd shot and both Vertigo and elevated blood pressure after my booster. We were duped, and 3 years of studying it since then having proven everything Dr. Cory mentioned.

    The trust in our Canadian and the U.S. health care system is lost, and I will only listen to experts like Dr. Cory and his group, Dr. Peter McCulloch, Dr. Malone, Dr. Battacharia, Dr. Makarov and a few others in the future for any major illnesses or pandemics

    I thank them all for their honesty, integrity, courage and fortitude to speak the truth.

    God bless them all.

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