WaPo Acknowledges Troubling Surge in Aggressive Cancers

  • vegandan

    June 11, 2024 at 2:11 pm EDT

    Nothing new to those of us following the FLCCC. But it is promising to learn that the Washington Post is actually doing journalism for a change to acknowledge the actual facts instead of the normal rhetoric.

  • Missing My Husband

    June 12, 2024 at 6:17 pm EDT

    ….wait for it….

    “Weeraratna …. said it’s also important to emphasize that the research and other recent papers focusing on covid and cancer involve acute infection or long covid; they do not suggest a link between the coronavirus vaccine and cancer — misinformation that some anti-vaccine groups have spread in recent months.”

    same as it ever was

    • vegandan

      June 12, 2024 at 9:42 pm EDT

      Well it wouldn’t be WaPo without at least some part of the story false and misleading. But at least it is a hopeful start. I’m an optimist for the most part.

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