Questions about duration of Ivermectin

  • Questions about duration of Ivermectin

    Posted by Judith Tollios on April 16, 2024 at 5:52 am EDT

    Hello. Thank you for this forum. It is so necessary for something like this to exist today because we can’t find help or information anywhere else. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

    My preamble: I acquired a nasty strain of Covid two weeks ago and it has been a very lonely and frustrating two weeks being unable to find support and answers to my questions in a timely manner. We all know early treatment is key and most effective, yet the government and most pharmacies and doctors are interfering with our ability to get that, unless of course you are willing to take Paxlovid, which I was not. Being forced to do what I had to do to get a proper dose of Ivermectin before day 5 while being as severely sick as I was is unconscionable to me. I wish I had found your site sooner because early treatment is key, but it is impossible to find you through Google searches because the results for Ivermectin are over saturated with all the FDA and media telling us Ivermectin does not work and is not approved. I was in tears at first being unable to find any support for how to do this. Thanks to a kind-hearted member of a Keto forum I am part of I was finally pointed in your direction.

    My question: how long should I continue taking the recommended dose of Ivermectin (.5mg per kg of weight) beyond the initial 5-7 days if I still have some symptoms? It has helped immensely lessen the severity of symptoms that were steadily increasing by day 4, and within two hours of taking the first appropriate dose for my weight it stopped my sore throat completely and that has not returned. I remained sick with symptoms for the next 8 days and I continued the Ivermectin. Because of the far too low of a dosage prescribed by the standard medicine doctors, (12 mg/day max) I had to get a few prescriptions in order to have enough 3mg tablets to do the 35mg/day dose that my weight required, Walgreens refused to fill any more of them for me and treated me like a drug abuser that was trying to resell dangerous street drugs or something. I was humiliated and embarrassed and then they loudly claimed they were reporting my doctors because the FDA did not approve Ivermectin for Covid. Since when is it illegal to have off-label use? I only had enough Ivermectin for 3-4 days of proper dose. I then learned of compound pharmacies and had to pay out the nose for just two more pills at the 35 mg dose and my son had to drive 5 hours round trip to pick them up. When those were gone I had only had taken it for 5-6 days in total but I still had symptoms. The symptoms always started to get bad again near the 18-24 hour mark until my next Ivermectin dose which would then lesson the severity again within an hour or two of taking it, so … I wanted to keep it in my system a little longer until I felt better. My only recourse was to turn to the horse paste. It is not my preferred way but there was no other affordable and timely support from anywhere else. Figuring out how to measure out a proper amount for my weight with acute level of symptoms was another tearful affair. I learned through a friend that if you already have severe symptoms you should measure for 3x your weight. So I put it inside a few of my larger supplement capsules that I emptied out first so that I could just swallow it without tasting it. It worked just as well if not better than the human formulation. So I started taking Ivermectin tablets on day 5, and took it through day 11. I am now on day 14 having used the horse paste the past three days, and my symptoms are just starting to recede, but I don’t want them to return if I stop the Ivermectin like they were doing a few days ago.

    What is the recommendation for dosing, if any, at this point in the illness? Will my symptoms return when I stop the Ivermectin? Is there a lower therapeutic dose once you start to feel better?

    I appreciate any insight you can provide.

    ANiceApothecary replied 1 month, 1 week ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Vivianne Davis

    April 16, 2024 at 9:26 am EDT
    4 Activity Points
    25 Community Points

    Go back to your pharmacy and tell them you did a mission trip to Indonesia and have parasites. LOL!!!!! I am with you. Doing whatever it takes to get the Ivermectin, but am only going to take 12mg. I weigh 169. I am scared to take more.

  • Judith Tollios

    April 16, 2024 at 10:54 am EDT
    9 Activity Points
    70 Community Points

    But why are you scared to take more? Who put that fear into you? It’s a very, very safe medicine and rather difficult to overdose. The protocols state “.5 to .6 mg per 1kg of body weight.” That doesn’t get anywhere near overdose levels. For 169 lbs that’s about 38 mg per day for an effective dose. Any less would be a waste of time and money as it’s not effective.

    This is what the powers that be have been pushing for, for people to fear taking it at a dose that actually works. Controlling the amount prescribed to be less than it should be is one way to feed into their “see? It doesn’t work” studies. 12mg did nothing for me but as soon as I upped it to 35mg it was effective within a couple hours. I have heard the lower dose might be ok for preventative if you are around others that are sick but have no symptoms yourself.

  • Judith Tollios

    April 18, 2024 at 11:33 am EDT
    9 Activity Points
    70 Community Points

    I’ll ask again

    “How long should I continue taking the recommended dose of Ivermectin (.5mg per kg of weight) beyond the initial 5-7 days if I still have any symptoms?”

    I’d appreciate any guidance by professionals on this forum

    • ANiceApothecary

      April 18, 2024 at 11:55 am EDT
      40 Activity Points
      290 Community Points

      @justjuju We’ve seen it being taken for up to 10 days for an active infection for our patients.

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