Medical Grade HBOT for Brain Fog

  • Medical Grade HBOT for Brain Fog

    Posted by Teena on May 4, 2024 at 7:06 pm EDT

    My unvaxed husband’s covid infection developed into brain fog/ neuro covid/ long covid.

    It was terrifying to watch the dramatic decline, he could no longer drive , function at work or hold conversations. Friends and colleagues thought he had Alzheimer’s, his doctor gave him a stroke test which he failed.

    Medical grade hyperbaric camber oxygen therapy through the Fiona Stanely Hospital in Perth Western Australia was immediately effective from the 1st session.

    After petitioning the Minister of Health to force the hospital to treat him, he was granted 10 sessions.

    He attended daily, for the 1 hr treatments.

    It was a miracle cure, he came back to me , about 90% back to normal.

    On the 10th session he was unable to regulate the pressure and had to stop the treatment.

    I wrote to the Minster to advise her of the results and request that treatments should be covered by Medicare and available to all those effected by neuro covid.

    The minister nor the doctors from the HBOT unit were interested and never followed up with us.

    My husband was the 1st in WA to be treated for long covid through the unit, possible the 1st in Australia.

    Chinese acupuncture instantly removed his migraines in one session and we used acupuncture and herbs to open up his blood vessels to prepared for the HBOT.

    He needed at lest double the treatments , my researching HBOT groups recommend 40 sessions.

    Later, we found Augmented NAC from Zerospike, this brought him back to 100%.

    I hope this helps someone out there.

    Karen_flccc replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Karen_flccc

    May 10, 2024 at 10:05 am EDT

    Thank you for sharing your husband’s success story!

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