Lowest Effective Preventive Dose Of Ivermectin
Hi, all, and God bless the FLCCC for all it does for humanity.
I’ve been on the FLCCC’s recommended preventive dose of ivermectin a few years, as I have Epstein-Barr Virus, asthma, lung damage from long-term (unknown) mold exposure and TBIs (plural) from a multi-impact auto accident. I cannot afford to contract C19 and chance Long-COVID, as I battle more than my share of symptoms daily anyway.
Some people say, “I’ll take ivermectin if I contract C19…,” but I choose to do all I can to avoid contracting it.
The problem is that my liver enzymes are elevated, and have remained so for more than six months despite taking doc-recommended liver-supporting supplements, daily coffee, etc., plus all the supplements and lifestyle stuff I normally do as a healthy vegetarian whose biological age is way lower than his chronological age.
I’m not a big drinker, but do drink some. As such, I’m wondering if alcohol and ivermectin are too much for my liver.
I know people whose docs have them on a far lower dose of ivermectin, and who take their reduced dose much more sporadically than my twice-a-week 18mg dose. I’m wondering if I can back down on my dose and/or frequency and still remain protected.
I’d appreciate any rational thoughts, including links to studies that discuss efficacy of reduced dosing or frequency. I’m also open to suggestions about additional supplements that might be hepato-supportive.
Thanks, all!
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