Highlights from the Healthcare Revolution (Week of Aug 26)
Welcome to our FLCCC Highlight’s from the Healthcare Revolution (HHR) weekly discussion post.
Interesting article? New Study? Great Twitter thread? Add them here and we’ll do the same….
We’ll kick things off with our substack post with the top highlights from last week. Don’t miss today’s ‘’ ‘Fighting Back!” including Censorship, Corruption, and Misinformation’s “Brat” summer meets FLCCC Army resistance. This week we discuss The WHO and FDA flex EUA muscle to approve new
mRNA shots for Mpox and COVID, and the FLCCC Army fights back with hard
science, common sense, and righteous indignation.Read Now: https://flccc.substack.com/p/fighting-back-hhr-august-25-2024
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Fighting Back! HHR August 25, 2024
Censorship, Corruption, and Misinformation's "Brat" summer meets FLCCC Army resistance.
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