Great podcast about COVID disinformation and fighting back!

  • Karen_flccc

    June 28, 2024 at 9:21 am EDT

    Thanks for posting! I’ve heard Dr. Turner interviewed several times — always very interesting and informative.

  • vflo

    July 10, 2024 at 11:57 pm EDT

    Thank you for posting this as well. It was and is such an engaging podcast, and I am truly grateful for Dr. Turner’s unwavering stance and dedication in honoring his pledge to “uphold specific ethical standards”. One of the fundamentals of the Hippocratic oath.

    While it is quite upsetting to hear that he is dealing with the challenges from the governing bodies of his home state, in the end, all things eventually work for good. The Truth will always prevail over falsehoods and misconceptions. It just takes time.

    The world is a undeniably a better place because of sincere and caring professionals such as Dr. Turner; and may he never tired of doing good, and in fighting the good fight of faith. With much respect and gratitude 🙏

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